I-BOX Platform I-BOX Platform



The project “Digital Toolbox for innovation in nursing education (I-Box)” provides teaching and learning materials (infographics, podcasts and videos) for nursing students and professionals. The materials from this project support the learning of technical skills nurses might need when attending patients in different healthcare settings.
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Ustna nega

Ustna nega je sestavni del osebne higiene in se nanaša na vse ukrepe, ki služijo ohranjanju in obnavljanju fiziološke ustne flore ter preprečevanju bolezni...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Nega celotnega telesa

V tem videuposnetku je prikazana nega celotnega telesa za paciente, ki potrebujejo popolno pomoč. Za nego celotnega telesa si morate na začetku vzeti veliko...