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The project “Digital Toolbox for innovation in nursing education (I-Box)” provides teaching and learning materials (infographics, podcasts and videos) for nursing students and professionals. The materials from this project support the learning of technical skills nurses might need when attending patients in different healthcare settings.
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Functional bandage

The video shows how to perform functional bandaging. The functional bandage is a type of partial immobilization, which is characterized by allowing a certain...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Compression bandage

The video shows how to perform a type of bandage, the compression. This type of bandage is used to prevent or reduce inflammation, provide...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Simple spiral bandaging

The video shows how to perform circular or spiral bandaging. This bandage can be used to immobilise, fix dressings or control...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Recurrent bandaging

The video shows how to perform one type of bandaging, the recurrent bandage. This type of bandage is used on stumps, fingertips or the...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Suture placement

The video shows a nurse performing a single knot suture on a clean wound. This technique consists of bringing the edges of the wound...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Central venous pressure

The video shows how to measure central venous pressure. This haemodynamic parameter indicates the pressure at the level of the right atrium or superior...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Basic Life Support and AED: Pediatric

In this procedure you will learn how to correctly carry out paediatric basic life support using the AED device (Automated External Defibrillator) together with...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Newborn care (diaper, bath)

In this podcast, a nurse guides a new mother to change a diaper and bathe a baby safely. The nurse answers the questions concerning...
/Posted by: I-BOX

Care of wounds with complex healing

The video shows you how to manage a wound that is healing with difficulty. Accurate wound assessment and effective treatment choice requires an understanding...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut metus in purus laoreet dictum eget nec tellus. Donec sodales ipsum elit, congue aliquet mauris sodales sed. Nulla in aliquam erat.

/Posted by: I-BOX

Central venous catheter dressing change

This procedure shows the central venous port catheter dressing procedure. An aseptic technique for the care of a central venous catheter. This is a...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut metus in purus laoreet dictum eget nec tellus. Donec sodales ipsum elit, congue aliquet mauris sodales sed. Nulla in aliquam erat.

/Posted by: I-BOX

Deaccessing implanted central venous port

This video shows how to access a central venous port. This is a subcutaneous port-a-cath, a reservoir designed for long-term chemotherapy treatments or for...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut metus in purus laoreet dictum eget nec tellus. Donec sodales ipsum elit, congue aliquet mauris sodales sed. Nulla in aliquam erat.

/Posted by: I-BOX

Postmortem care

This video shows how to provide basic post-mortem care to a hospitalised patient with due respect for the deceased and their...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac neque ligula. Nullam vestibulum risus est, quis posuere ex efficitur id. Vestibulum fermentum imperdiet tellus, porta scelerisque turpis eleifend nec.

/Posted by: I-BOX

Making an unoccupied bed

The video shows the proper way to make an empty bed in care settings in order to ensure the well-being of the patient and...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac neque ligula. Nullam vestibulum risus est, quis posuere ex efficitur id. Vestibulum fermentum imperdiet tellus, porta scelerisque turpis eleifend nec.

/Posted by: I-BOX

Applying and removing sterile gloves

This video shows how to correctly put on and take off sterile gloves, and work sterile. The procedure is indicated for invasive procedures, techniques...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ac neque ligula. Nullam vestibulum risus est, quis posuere ex efficitur id. Vestibulum fermentum imperdiet tellus, porta scelerisque turpis eleifend nec.

/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

History of nursing care

Nursing has evolved and significantly changed throughout history. In the podcast "History of Nursing care" listeners learn about the beginnings of the development of...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Nursing theories

Nursing would not exist without theory. Theories have a significant impact on nursing practice and thus on patients' health and quality of life. In...
/Posted by: Lucija Gosak

Intravenous cannulation

The purpose of venous insertion is to allow direct access to the bloodstream and continuous or repeated administration of intravenous therapy, drugs, blood, or...